Sunday, November 10, 2024

"Fall Art Classes for Kids: Inspiring Young Artists in Ballard"

 Here's a quick peek at what my young artists have been creating this fall! From exploring new techniques to working on personal projects, it's been a joy watching their creativity grow. I offer a limited number of private classes to nurture budding artists in a personalized setting.

Taking inspiration from one of my favorite artists Yayoi Kasama

Using only primary colors this project covers composition, color theory, and painting from a still life.

Bug jars!!!

Block printing is always a favorite!

 If you have a young artist eager to dive deeper into their passion for art, I’d love to chat! I’m located in Ballard and am happy to discuss options for working together. Contact Ameen for more details and availability.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Kids art classes Seattle 2024

 The summer edition of art classes is happening:

Didn't plan ahead? 

Don't want a full camp?  

DO you just want something to fill a couple hours? 

This summer I am keeping the schedule pretty flexible. Scroll down and have a look at the last couple of blog posts for ideas of the projects we can do this summer. I am happy to work with your schedule to make some art this summer. Ameen for more details.

Color theory, composition, placement, proportion...this lesson has it all. Students will only have the 3 primary colors, black and white and will mix everything else!

I do the lessons with the students. In this particular session I chose yellow ochre, red and cobalt blue to demonstrate a how these colors mixed for the rest of the palette.

Setting up for the first round mixing our secondary colors.

The finished painting with tints in the openings of the vases, shades in the bases of the vases and complimentary colors mixed as tints for the background.

For a detailed lesson plan, click here.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Kids Summer Art Classes in Seattle

 This summer I will be offering my summer intensive series once again. Summer intensives are private sessions or small groups of friends (1-4 students). We'll meet twice a week for a 2 hour session over the course of 2 weeks.

Session 1  Monday July 8, Tuesday July 9, Monday 15, Tuesday 16  10-12 or 2-4

Session 2  Wednesday July 10, Thursday July11, Wednesday July17, Thursday July 18  10-12 or 2-4

Who: Ages 9 and up

Cost: $400 all materials included

Email Ameen to register and for more information

This summer I'll have some flexibility. Send me an email and I'l be happy to see how we can schedule some classes to fit your into your summer plans.

Located in Ballard, Studio-kids has been offering kids classes for 14 years! 


Email Ameen to register and for more information

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Summer art classes for kids, Seattle

Studio-kids has been offering kids classes for 14 years! Located in Ballard, get your art fix in my backyard studio.

This summer I will be offering my summer intensive series once again. Summer intensives are private sessions or small groups of friends (1-4 students). We'll meet twice a week for a 2 hour session over the course of 2 weeks.

Session 1  Monday July 8, Tuesday July 9, Monday 15, Tuesday 16  10-12 or 2-4

Session 2  Wednesday July 10, Thursday July11, Wednesday July17, Thursday July 18  10-12 or 2-4

Who: Ages 9 and up

Cost: $400 all materials included 

Email Ameen to register and for more information

Week 1: All about color, a deep dive into color theory. With a limited palette of primary colors (and white)  students will mix secondary colors and tints  to create a 12x16 acrylic painting on canvas.

Week 2: Students choice! One of the benefits of private and small group sessions is that I can adapt projects to student interest. We get to know each other the first week and during the second week we build on skills based on their areas of interest.

Possible projects include:

-A variety of handmade artist books. Handmade art journal with good quality drawing paper. A mixed media consertina style book, paperbag cover stamped books and quick mini books to gift to friends.  

Large format relief print. Students work through all the planning stages from brain storming subject matter, gathering items in the studio to create a still life, thumbnail sketches, preliminary drawings, finished drawings and carving. Together we discuss the elements of design and how to create a strong composition. 

-Multi colored printed tiles
Students will learn about reduction printing method, radial symmetry and design with this relief printmaking project.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Kids Summer and Fall art classes, Seattle

I'll be offering limited private sessions during the last 2 weeks of August and into September this year.    Email Ameen and lets book some dates. Kids 8 and up, $50 per hour. We'll work on drawing skills, printmaking projects and color theory. 

Relief print coming off the press! We'll work from still life set ups in the studio. We'll start with a few thumb nail sketches to get quick composition ideas and then develop a drawing that will be successful as a carved relief print. 
Working with just yellow, blue , magenta, white and black. This project covers a lot! Compostion, drawing from a still life, setting up a still life, drawing for accuracy and color theory. 12x18 Acrylic on canvas.
Block printing a repeating tile pattern, one of my favorites introductions to block printing.
A few of my sample blocks carved from wee scraps!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Block printing with kids

Sharing some pretty pictures about the block printing process.

Currently my private sessions are full. I'll update the classes page as they become available in the fall.

The finished print along side the printing tools and ink slab.

The big reveal!

Positioning the paper carefully.

Ink, Ink, Ink!!!!

Carving the block.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Private Art Classes Seattle Self portrait with Portuguese Tile

Here's what has been going on in the studio during this 2023 winter session. 

I am currently only offering private sessions and it has been a pleasure to be able to spend  more focused time on each project. I combined 2 of my favorite projects into one and they turned out beautifully! 

This student is 11 years old. The finished piece is 17"x15." The background is an original desgn block print by the student. We drafted quick sketches of a few designs, carved a sample and did a printers proof before printing on the finished piece.

 The design phase.

Work in progress. We did not complete the printing in one session, so I decided to keep the staggered edges to help match the ink color when we finish printing. The drawing is very delicate, the pale blue background compliments the drawing nicely.

 Testing the block.

When printing a block with radial symmetry the design is drawn with the block positioned like a diamond. With the center line down the middle from point to point. As the block is turned to print a complete square, each corner then begins to create another design.

A few of my small test carvings to demonstrate how the designs grow when printing a block with radial symmetry.

A design does not have to be complicated to be effective. Think about having a 50/50 ratio of positive to negative space. Pay attention to the corners, carve away some and leave others behind. Experiment with borders.


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