Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fall Session is now enrolling!

Check out the classes page for all the details.

 Poofy, posing, perfectly for Priya's pastel portrait.

Real Life and Still Life inspired by Matisse

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer Camp '13, Seattle skyline collage

 Fireworks over Seattle  by the 9-12 year olds class.

Fireworks out of tissue paper circles.  
We used acrylic gloss medium for our glue. 

Fireworks out of tissue paper circles.  
We used acrylic gloss medium for our glue. 

We cut out the some of the main buildings in the skyline and created different patterns with sharpies.

 Wrap it all the way around the edge.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Camp 2013, still life studies

Still life studies with chalk pastels.

 I love the effects of chalk pastels on different colored papers.

 A large Cala lily study with  water soluble oil pastels. All the fun of watercolors with a little more control.

 Origami lilies on our still life day.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer camp 2013, Bug Jars

I'll be posting some photos from this summer's camps over the next few days.
These are the "Bug Jars" by the 7and 8 olds drying on the patio.

We first drew large jars lightly in pencil, making sure we covered most of the page. These are 11"x15."

  The kids picked a selection of leaves from the garden and began filling their jars. 

 ...then a "bug brainstorming session"

 We used watercolor paints and inks in contrasting colors. We painted our bugs and leaves first, backgrounds second, and jugs third so that our colors would not blend into each. With black ink the final step was painting around all of objects.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Summer Camp 2013 Matisse day

A few selections by the 7 and 8 year olds on "Matisse day.



First step was drawing patterns with oil pastels and then adding a watercolor wash to create our background wall paper.

 Our still life for the mid-ground of our compositions.

 Cutting out our still life drawings and window scenes. These were then glued onto the backgrounds.
The last step was adding the wire chair beside the window.