Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kids Art Classes in Ballard

Fall classes start October 1st. 
4:30-5:30 on Mondays for 6-8 year olds, Wednesdays  for 9-12 year olds. 
Check the classes page for all the details.

 Life drawing with Poofy is always popular!
Poofy poses patiently for people practising pastels on paper.

Students draw with chalk pastels onto black paper for some pretty awesome results. 

Harriet 10

Neena 7

Andre 5

Calley 12

Ophelia 12

Margueritte 13

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fall session, now enrolling!

I am excited to be offering printmaking this fall session.  I bought a small printmaking press in the spring and took it out for a spin during the summer camps. A good time was had by all!  The fall classes will  explore drawing, painting and printmaking. Check out the Classes page for all the details.
Classes start October 1st and are limited to 6 students. Sign up today!

 Lino cut blocks made by the middle school students.

Fresh of the press! 

Preparing a "collograph" plate.