Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Handmade holidays

There are just a couple spots left in the Tuesday afternoon art class for  ages 12-15. Find the description and registration info here.

Festive and fun, hand carved, original relief prints for this years Christmas cards.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Kids winter art classes

Winter classes are posted here. Classes are small and fill up quickly!

The fall session is all wrapped up. Here's a few highlights…

American graffiti artist Keith Haring, was the inspiration for our first project of the fall session. Students worked in teams to trace each other and then filled in the negative space painting  as many different types of lines as they could think of. 

Kids in this class ranged in age from 5-8. Awesome work!

I wish we had the space to hang these all together.
A fun and successful lesson on line, positive and negative space.

I had to take advantage of all the beautiful fall colours.

After careful observation of our beautiful leaves, we discussed the organic forms and free flowing colors in the leaves and compared them to repeated structured patterns we had been creating in other projects. We also talked about the color wheel, warm and cool colors and complimentary colors. Not just a pile leaves!

Step 1: Oil pastel rubbings to get the outline of our leaves.
Step 2: Working wet on wet with liquid acrylic inks.
Step 3: Sprinkle salt onto the wet blue background ink and let them dry.

One of my favorite fall projects are pumpkin paintings inspired by Brazilian artist Romero Britto

Students had a restricted color palette and were encouraged to mix their colors to achieve a wide range of warm colours. I often have returning students, so we had substituted an apple for a pumpkin and changed the color palette to keep the project fresh.

Ta Da!

Some of the positive and negative paper cut outs put together for a striking graphic! 

One hour of art goes by very quickly and often i do not have time to take pictures! Luckily one student had held on to all the books we had me made this session and I got a quick shot.