Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Printmaking and Kids Summer Art Camps

Still a couple spots left  in the summer camps. Find the dates and details here.

One of my favorite classes of the last year! Reduction, lino-cut prints. Reduction printing is the process of printing multiple colours from the same block.  Students start with a quick sketch to plan the process, the colors and the order of carving. The lightest color is printed first with a small amount or nothing carved away. The added to challenge to this project was the tile effect and radial symmetry.

 All four corners of the block should have a design or interesting negative space in them.

The lightest color is printed first with a small amount or nothing carved away. We always print proofs to test colors, registration and to see if we if we like it.

The sides of the blocks also need to line up so that when block is printed a larger image is created.

Ready to print the second colour.

A very strong graphic image, we decided it didn't need its second colour.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Seattle Skylines and Kids Summer Art Camps!

Their are still a couple spots open in each of the summer camps. Click here for all the details.

Seattle skylines are always a popular theme. Students mixed tints and shades using black, white and a colour of their choice.  

Drawing through wet paint is great way to add lines and textures.