Thursday, November 29, 2018

Winter Classes now enrolling!

Art Classes at Studio-kids would make the perfect present! 
Winter Classes start January 28th and are now enrolling. Check out the classes page for all the info!

Its been a month of printmaking in the studio and I couldn't be happier! I love teaching the kids all about original prints. For this project students created collagraphs. Our printing plates were matt board with paper shapes cut and glued on to create a slightly raised surface. Portraits in the style of Picasso's cubist work was the suggested starting point for the kids but I am always open to their ideas.

 Students are 9-10 years in age.

Original prints are 6"x8" printed in a limited edition of less than 10.

Students love using the printing press for this project!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Block Printing Tile Patterns

I am a big fan of tiles and put this project together to challenge my older students. There are so many lessons within this single project. Planning the design, color theory, registration, organization and keeping a tidy printing station.

The design is drawn on a diagonal. I encourage students to have something carved away in the 2 opposite corners. The sides of the diamond need to have symmetry for the design  to grow as the tile is rotated during the printing. 

Start with a finished sketch that is drawn to size. A piece of paper covered with graphite will be our transfer paper. On the original drawing mark one of the back corners with a T, also mark one of the corners of the back of the block with a T. The T's need to be lined up before tracing the image for each color. We also make a small sketch of the full layout of the final image showing where the t's will come together. Its important to always start at the same spot.

For the first printing, start with the lightest colour.  Only the areas that will be white are carved out. 
Start by printing one print on an extra piece of paper. This is the "proof" print. It's where you'll see if there is enough ink on the block and how the colours look on top of each other before printing on the large sheet. You'll also see if you need to carve anything else away.

For the second printing carve away all areas that will remain yellow.

For the third printing carve away all that will remain blue.

Tools of the trade.

The finished piece! Measures 20"x 20" and will look fabulous is a modern white wood frame!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Falling leaves water color project

The fall session is under way...  

Beautiful fall colors to inspire a water color study of warm colors and cool colors.

I do like to mix up the paper formats so this time a horizontal format to emphasis the falling leaves.

Students worked on 15x6 water color paper sheets, oil pastel, water colors and some salt effects.

I asked the students to try something different in each leaf.

Students range in age from 6-8 years old.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

After school art classes now enrolling!

Kids after school art classes start October 1st and are now registering. Find all the details on our classes page. Just a couple spots left in each class.

What do you do with the left over paint at the end of a painting session? During the summer acrylic painting camp we started abstract paintings using what was left on the pallet. Students had about 15 -30 minutes at the end of each day during our 4 day camp.  Each student had a quick feedback session  to help them make  design  and composition decisions.  A fun way to end each day.

9x12 acrylic on canvas

It was our day of exploring the abstract expressionists. We started with Jackson Pollock. I put out a call for left over house paint and made use of some long canvas strips I had been saving. Each student did 2 long paintings.

Dribble, drip, splatter....


Zooming in on a finished painting.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Kids Afterschool Art Classes

The Fall session is now enrolling. Classes start October 1st. Find all the details on the classes page.

It was a very inspiring summer, lots of travel, relaxing, reading and art camps. I am ready for a change of seasons and fall art classes. Here's some more shots from this summer's  acrylic painting boot camp.

Acrylic on wood panels 6"x6" by 4th and 5th grade students.

Model for the day.

Group shot!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Acrylic Painting Camp and Fall Classes

Stay tuned for the fall schedule, it will be posted shortly! 

This summer's Acrylic Painting camp for artists age 9-12  was a huge success. I am slowly catching up with the photos of all the work we completed. Here's a few shots from one of our still life painting days.

Paintings are 5"x5" acrylic on wood panels

We started by doing contour line studies of the fig, followed by detailed sketches with shading, then went on to our paintings.

Group shot!

Our model, essential for observational drawings!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Kids Summer Art Camps

2 spots have opened up for next weeks art camp! 7-9 year olds, Monday to Thursday from 1-4. 

I am back from an amazing 3 week vacation and feeling so inspired! My family had the pleasure of spending the day at The Collateral Repair Project in Amman, Jordan. The staff at CRP are doing amazing work with refugees. Summer camp for the kids was filled with activities putting smiles on kids faces that have been through so much. My daughter and I lead a fun portrait painting class with kiddoes😍 

We started by drawing our portraits in crayon.

Kids were encouraged to be creative with their color use and to fill the page with color.

Heart breaking to see a little one paint tears on her portrait.

We had a large group of 24 kids ages 6-9.

One of the finished portraits.

CRP also has a daycare where younger children can play while their parents meet with volunteers, attend workshops or classes.
Check out their website, become a monthly or one time donor at  

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kids Summer Art Camps are enrolling

Summer Camps have a few open spots. Checkout the details on the classes page

Nothing like a quick trip to New York to re-charge the creative batteries.
Good art, a good friend, good food, good's a few black and white shots from my walks in Harlem, Central Park, Queens and Brooklyn.

More about this magical place in the next blog post!