Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Musical Artworks

One of my students is a cellist...

After experimenting with carving several small blocks it was time to work on multi color print. 

With reduction printmaking the colors are all printed from the same block. Starting with the lightest color. We experimented with colors on a separate piece of paper and decided on a palette of blue.

One of my private classes is made up of 4 siblings ranging in age from 6-11. We spent 2 sessions working on still life paintings of a guitar, keyboard and chair. We discussed composition and started with thumbnail sketches of different possibilities. There was a bit of frustration in the class so we finished the session with a group critique. Each student had to share their favorite part of each others work and could offer a piece of constructive feedback. Usually the parts of the painting that students are unhappy with are my favorite parts. The parts with he expressive brush strokes, the intuitive painting and raw edges.

The six year old was not happy with the results, I think its my favorite of the 4!

Nine years old.

Eleven years old.

10 years old.