Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Block printing with Kids

Printmaking is my favorite subject with the kids. We started this project with small quick sketches of ideas for small blocks (or stamps) before moving on to a larger project. The kids quickly understand the possibilities and limitations once they started carving their small blocks. 

Students made their own sketchbooks. The covers are recycled grocery bags that they decorated with their hand carved blocks. Books are bound using a traditional Japanese 3 hole stab binding stitch.

For my younger students, we did a simpler 2 hole binding.

5-7th grade students explored radial symmetry, tile patterns using a reduction method of carving.

It's harder than you think to remember to rotate the block to print it. I love how this student just repeated whenever she remembered and filled the page.

Can you see the dragon tail?

Black and silver, once again the radial symmetry isn't all there but the finished result is quite fabulous!

If it isn't obvious, I love tiles.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Fall kids art classes

Starting the fall sessions with some back to basics drawing sessions before we move into the projects.
We did some large chair drawings in charcoal and then time to explore lines with bamboo pens and a curvy, wrought iron bistro chair as the subject. It was the end of the day and the kids were so focused as they drew with the bamboo pens.

Value and proportion while drawing curved and square glass vessels and paying close attention to placement.

From the summer a little free paint time at the end of the day with leftover paint.

 Quick figure studies using a manikin and chalk pastels.