Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Portrait Drawing

I had an amazing week long Portrait Drawing workshop last week with Anthony Ryder at Gage Academy. Each day started with a 2 hour demo followed by 4 hours of drawing time with a model.

Day 1, I was pretty happy with the results and so excited to see where I would be by the end of the week.

Day 2, different model and I am drawing slower. It's been many years since I spent 4 hours on just one portrait. 

Day 3,4, and 5 were to be an extended pose. Since I had a profile I found by day 3  I felt finished and moved on to start another drawing. The model takes a short break every 20 minutes. I took a quick photo at each break. Here's 6 shots from beginning to end showing my progress. The photos don't capture all the details of the drawing. I was taking quick shots during the week and enjoying the time I had to draw.

I am looking forward to sharing some new ideas with my students as we work through self portraits during the winter session.