Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Register for Spring Kids Art Classes

Spring Classes start  after spring break and are now registering. Still a couple open spots in the grade 4-6 class. All the details are on the classes page.

We drew my little moka pot in the private sessions, drawing for accuracy and value studies.

9th grade student

4th grade student

Monday, February 10, 2020

Acrylic Painting lessons with kids

The winter session is in full swing! 

This session the 1-3 grade students will be learning all about color. We started with a quick look at color wheel and talked about warm and cool colors. We got into the project quickly using a limited pallet of cool blue, black and white.   

 Students did a quick sketch with colored pencils to establish the composition. Next they blocked in the background starting with a dark strip of blue across the top and then blue with lots of white. Students used horizontal brush strokes to emphasis the landscape. 

Paintings are by 1-3 grade students. Acrylic on canvas board, 9"x11".

We discussed shadows and light sources to make our snowmen look more 3 dimensional. Brushstrokes for the snowman would go in  a circle, thi time to emphasize its round shape.  Last step was the snow. I think they are pretty awesome!