Monday, May 11, 2020

Tulip Painting Lesson

Its coming to the end of Tulip Season in the north west but they are still going strong in my garden. Every year I either paint them, draw them or use them as subjects for original prints. I made a little time lapse video of the painting process as well as full painting lesson. Follow me on YouTube at Ameen Dhillon. I'll be posting videos about once a week. 

 The cropped version for an Instagram shot...

This is a recycled canvas, I painted directly on top of a painting that I did not like. Acrylic paintg comes alive when you paint in layers, so recycling an old canvas is works beautifully. Don't prime it with white, just start painting.

As I prepare to shoot the videos the first painting is always a trial run. The second video gets me closer and the 3rd is the one I finish with.  I do like the 3 paintings together as a triptych. each one is 4x12 to emphasis the the long graceful tulips.

Here's my trick for keeping acrylic paint from drying up. I use the plastic lid of storage boxes as palettes, give the paint a mist of water when you are done for the day and cover with the container. The next day you are ready to paint where you left off. Give it a daily mist to keep the paint moist.

Tools for this project...