Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Journaling and Sketch book ideas

Here's the latest YouTube video, this time around a look at a sketchbook  that I made for my son. He just graduated form high school,  so his last page includes his graduation announcement!

Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel. New videos are posted every week or two.

These are the 8x10 basic black sketchbooks I have kept for my kids. They both had their first 10 years very well documented and then I did recaps a few times a year. 

The elephant card was the starting point for these 2 pages. I quickly covered the page with orange ink to match the card, carrying the ink loosely over to the other page. The scribbles were already there, so I wanted to keep the brush strokes messy as well. With large pages I generally block in color quickly, letting the brush strokes show.  I like to cut out photos of people really tight, so that they can become a part of their new landscape. White paper with notes on it was glued down before orange paint was added, the text becomes texture in the background.

The half face is my grandpa. I was working on a larger project and had a few extra xerox copies of him and collaged them on various pages. I decided to crop his face to line up with the center of the page. Using whatever paint was left over at the end of the day I blocked in the background. I also would have randomly painted a few more pages to finish the paint. Another cut out of my son so that he is looking into the page. 

Sketchbook pages evolve over time. I will go back through a book and add some color to a page or pages that were started many years ago, or add a bit of collage. If something doesn't turn out, it can be covered with collage. The sketchbooks are also filled with journal entries. Often the journal entry is the starting point. I'll write in any direction, any color. A color theme is one element that can bring  order to a page.  

There are lots of attachments in the books as well. The envelope has been printed with a map, another left over from an old project. I stuffed the envelope with a Christmas card and some school photos.

I usually have a few sketchbooks that I am working on at the same time. One is set aside for just travelling, another for daily journal entries and to just have with me so  I can sketch or write anytime.  

This was my last travel journal, the paint brush gives you an idea of size. I fit the journal, this small watercolor kit, 2 brushes , a couple pencils and a few markers all in a sandwich size ziplock bag. This was for a 1 month trip. We always travel light, so i just pack the essentials for art making. 

Let your sketchbook be a place to explore thoughts and ideas, and experiment with materials. What are you going to do in your sketchbook?

Ciao for now!