Friday, December 30, 2022

Oil Painting in the New Year

 Happy New Year! Wishing you all time for creative pursuits in 2023!

Winter and Spring private sessions are currently full. At this time I will not be offering group classes. Sometime in May I will know what the summer schedule looks like. Stay tuned or send me a message in May.

This fall I started to explore oils! I have been wanting to get involved with a local group for a few years and this September it was meant to be.

The lesson was supposed to be painting glass! I skipped the glass and decided to simplify the composition. As a beginner to oil painting there were many things to choose from in the still life.

This is a week by week view, to finally the finished painting. I still have to pick it up in the New Year. After a break of over 3 weeks, I am excited to see it with fresh eyes.

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